Jack and Rebecca recently retired in West Los Angeles, CA. While they are enjoying peace of mind in their everyday lives, they lack financial peace of mind. There are many questions they want answers on how to best plan their future.
They have a desire to organize their financial plan and make sure they won’t run out of money. Jack and Rebecca also share concerns when considering long-term care, ensuring their investments appropriate for retirement, and finding ways to maximize assets while limiting taxes.
They also are unsure if they prefer to live in southern California, or move elsewhere.
Jack and Rebecca have adult children raising families of their own in the Austin, TX metro area. It is important to Jack and Rebecca to spend retirement years making memories with their family.
Jack and Rebecca are currently in the last month of their company’s health care plan and need to make decisions for healthcare prior to reaching Medicare.
Jack and Rebecca wish to give back to organizations that help take care of their community.
Jack and Rebecca’s retirement funds include their living trust, 401(k)s, IRAs, and Jack’s company pension plan.
Jack and Rebecca need help determining when to start Social Security. While some of their friends claimed Social Security at age 62, Jack and Rebecca recently learned that only 4% of retirees claim Social Security at the financially optimal time1.
With retirement just beginning, Jack and Rebecca are not sure which decisions are best to make. They value peace of mind from a fiduciary financial advisor.
Jack and Rebecca weren’t sure where to start, so they reached out to Safe Landing Financial (SLF) for a complimentary introduction meeting to plan during retirement. As a trusted advisor, SLF starts every new relationship by asking questions and listening to understand their unique financial situation. Here is how SLF helped Jack and Rebecca reach financial peace of mind.
SLF provides Jack and Rebecca with confidence in reaching their goals from visualizing and having conversations regarding their customized financial plan.
Here are some ways SLF helps Jack and Rebecca to reach their financial goals:
Jack and Rebecca have financial peace of mind knowing their financial plan is organized. They can enjoy their lifestyle without worrying about funds running out.
A complimentary 4-step process sharing how to minimize
taxes, optimize investments, and enjoy retirement on your terms.
This process is designed to help you evaluate our services
and make an informed choice for planning your financial future.
2025 Important Planning Numbers (free PDF resource)
High-Earning Professional – Planning Financial Future Case Study
Approaching Retirement – Financial Planning for Retirement Case Study
How Far Could $1 MILLION Go in Retirement?
Forbes: The 9 Keys To A Happy Retirement
Business Insider: How Much Money You Need to Retire at Every Age and Comfortably Live on Investment Income
The Balance: How to Retire Early and Manage Your Health Care Costs
Disclosure: The above planning in retirement case study is hypothetical and does not involve an actual Safe Landing Financial client. No part of this content should be taken as a guarantee that their household will experience similar results if Safe Landing Financial is chosen to provide financial planning services.
1: https://unitedincome.capitalone.com/library/the-retirement-solution-hiding-in-plain-sight
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