
Social Security Optimization

When to Claim?

Safe Landing Financial evaluates your overall financial picture and uses advanced planning software to optimize your Social Security claiming strategy. To determine the best time to collect Social Security benefits, we take into consideration your current health conditions, family longevity, spousal benefits, personal preferences, and more. We also consider how your benefits interact with other income sources such as:

    • Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
    • Dividends and interest
    • Capital gains
    • Other income (Pensions, annuities, rental income, etc.)

Social Security Optimization - FRA

Did You Know?

96% of claimants fail to make the optimal claiming decision. That means they lose out on an estimated $3.4 trillion in potential retirement income (on average $111,000 per household). The average recipient would receive 9% more income in retirement if they made the financially optimal claiming decision.1

Want to learn more about optimizing your Social Security claiming strategy?


More on Social Security Optimization Planning

What is a Fiduciary Financial Advisor?

What is a Fee-Only Financial Advisor?


Important Numbers for 2023 (printable PDF guide)

When, Why, and How Should I File for SS to Balance My Benefits, Tax Exposure, and Retirement Lifestyle?

1: United Income: The Retirement Solution Hiding in Plain Sight – How Much Retirees Would Gain by Improving SS Decisions

SS Administration

SS Administration: Understanding the Benefits

Kiplinger: 10 Things You Must Know About SS


A complimentary 4-step process sharing how to minimize
taxes, optimize investments, and enjoy retirement on your terms.

This process is designed to help you evaluate our services
and make an informed choice for planning your financial future.