November 23, 2018

Not only can charitable giving be gratifying to give back to personal causes, it can also be a way to minimize downside risk within a portfolio and limit taxes. The Tax Cut Jobs Act of 2017 changed the landscape for taxes by nearly doubling the standard deduction and hurting the impact of itemizing deductions through charitable giving. With the new tax code in place, there are still ways to give back and find the best tax strategy for your situation. No matter if you’re in Los Angeles or anywhere in the US, what is the most efficient way to give back?

November 9, 2018

Before analyzing how often investors should rebalance, it’s important to determine the significance of why one should consider rebalancing. As a fee-only financial planner in the Austin, TX metro area, not understanding the importance of rebalancing is where I see many investors go wrong.

October 12, 2018

How do investors know what to trade? This investing guide was written as a blueprint for investors looking to get on track and stay on track by tailoring their investments to their financial goals. Every investor wants to grow their net worth while taking on less risk. How can one go about that and stay on track? As a fee-only investment advisor in Los Angeles, here is how I recommend getting started with investments.

September 28, 2018

As a fiduciary financial advisor in Los Angeles, my hope is to shed light on types of financial advisors in the marketplace and how to find a fiduciary. Historically, investors have several reasons to doubt if financial advisors are serving them under a fiduciary standard acting in their best interest. Regulators of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and states have made laws over the years to give more transparency. Yet, investors are not always aware of the standards in place and how they are protected. It’s important to understand the types of financial advisors encountered in the crowded financial marketplace.


August 31, 2018

How do you start? This is one of the most important questions in saving for retirement. Whether planning for retirement in Los Angeles or elsewhere, you should start by building a retirement plan customized to your unique financial situation.