Here’s how we help individuals and households plan their financial future for retirement and beyond.
Learn what steps Eric (50) and Kelly (48) are taking to make work optional and enjoy financial independence.
Learn what steps Jack (64) and Rebecca (60) are taking by planning during their retirement years.
Learn what steps Gloria (40) is taking in her career to plan her financial future.
Eric and Kelly lack clarity and a financial plan for retirement. They are motivated to organize their financial life before approaching retirement.
They aren’t entirely sure when they want to “retire”. However, they are not sure if they want to continue working for the same company until age 65. They want to better understand when they can leave their high-earning careers, whether that’s to pursue an early retirement, a sabbatical, or other career opportunities.
Eric and Kelly need help making a financial plan for retirement. They don’t want for every day to be Saturday. Instead, they are planning to enjoy financial independence without the need to work.
Jack and Rebecca recently retired in Los Angeles, CA. While they are enjoying peace of mind in their everyday lives, they lack financial peace of mind. There are many questions they want answers on how to best plan their future.
They have a desire to organize their financial plan and make sure they won’t run out of money. Jack and Rebecca also share concerns when considering long-term care, ensuring their investments appropriate for retirement, and finding ways to maximize assets while limiting taxes.
Gloria is a high-earning distinguished engineer in Silicon Beach, Los Angeles, CA. Historically, she hasn’t given much attention towards planning her financial future.
Gloria was recently promoted to a higher job title and income level and wants to take better control. The promotion includes restricted stock units (RSUs) as part of her compensation package and advanced benefits, including options for 401(k) saving and deferred compensation.
Gloria’s goals are to maximize assets, lower taxes, and plan her financial future. She doesn’t have the time, interest, desire, or expertise to manage her finances. She values having expert guidance to assure she’s maximizing her unique financial situation.
A complimentary 4-step process sharing how to minimize
taxes, optimize investments, and enjoy retirement on your terms.
This process is designed to help you evaluate our services
and make an informed choice for planning your financial future.